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Propagate Workshop 2017

Draw'em @ The Forum Workshop 2016

The artist devised and lead two collaborative workshops entitled Propagate and Draw'em @, where he developed his ideas, skills and talents. This enabled him to develop his confidence and creativity and take artistic ideas presented at university into the community to offer them to a broader audience, as shown below. 

Propagate was a collaborative project from his final university year. The project explored the concept of using a seed as symbolic of an idea which could be planted and spread.  

The workshop participants explored different ideas whilst seeds were symbolically planted at the same time, reflecting the fertile space of discussion or soil in which they would grow. Seeds of ideas that were recorded in an archive, to ensure that they would not be forgotten. 


Draw'em @ was a second year workshop project for the artist. Although the project was held at Norwich, the intention was for it to travel throughout the UK, employing a group of artists to create space within local communities to promote discussions and activities, using art as an active agent to express them. 

The one at Norwich occurred at The Forum, and attracted a high attendance number. Their work was recorded and much of it displayed on a Facebook page, with their permission, to encourage others to attend further workshops and generate more discussion themes. 

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